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German WWII Insignia

The Army


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122013 Ultra Rare WWII German Bohemia Moravia Volunteer Bevo Sleeve Insignia   $200

This is a super rare piece. I bought one of these in Prague 30 years ago, and this is only the 2nd one I have had. It's in perfect condition, and without issues. This is a chance to own an ultra rare WWII German volunteer insignia, so don't miss it!

22054 WWII German Smoke Troop NCO Shoulder Strap Set As Found $185

This is a very good early war set showing only slight age and use.  They are right out of the woodwork in Covington, KY. This is a great set, so don't miss out!

3224 Rare WWII German Belgian Made Dark Green Infantry Shoulder Strap Set $260

This is an excellent set showing only very slight age and use.  This is a really hard pair to find, so don't miss them.

3225 WWII German Private Purchase Panzer Shoulder Strap Set $310

This is an excellent set showing only very slight age and use.  This is a really hard pair to find, so don't miss them.

62381 WWII German Panzer Shoulder Strap Rgt 100 Single Loop $80

This is an attractive original example showing only very light age and without issues or problems.

92155 WWII German Calvary NCO Shoulder Strap Set As Found $120

This is a good honest matched set made of felt-like wool showing honest age and use with a few moth snack sessions, but still overall very good.

1202 Mint WWII German Artillery Officer Slip On Shoulder Strap Set $85

These are wonderful. You will love them!

102424 Excellent Bullion Panzer Officer's Breast Eagle $180SOLD

This is a really nice eagle!

21408 Nice Bullion Panzer Officer's Breast Eagle $180

This is an attractive original example showing only very light age and without issues or problems.

102068 Army Panzer Breast Eagle White on Black Unissued $90

This is a nice unissued white on black example right out of the woodwork. It's perfect!

51229 Variation Army Panzer Breast Eagle Unissued $115

This is a nice unissued grey on black example right out of the woodwork.

71450 Army Officer's Metal Pin Back Breast Eagle SOLD$110

This is an excellent example showing only light honest age and use.

102070 Army Officer’s M44 Flat-wire Breast Eagle $95

This is from a friend who owns an antique shop, and bought a cigar box of German WWII insignia. Tt contained a quantity of these rare eagles. They are all flat wire in the bevo style, and mint, just a little wrinkled. 

11970 WWII German 1st Pattern M36 Breast Eagle Cut Off  Tunic $145

This is a hard to find good looking original piece cut from a tunic.

102919 WWII German Tropical Breast Eagle Tunic Removed $295

This is a good looking original piece removed from a tunic. It shows honest age and use. 

102420 WWII German Tropical Breast Eagle Tunic Removed $295

This is a good looking original piece removed from a tunic. It shows honest age and use. 

111031 Army Officer's Bullion Cap insignia Set $185

This is an excellent set for your cap or just to display.

80852 Army Officer's Bullion Cap insignia Set Removed from Cap As Fond AGAIN AVAILABLE$135

This is an honest set which shows some honest age and use, plus a few moth lunches but mostly on the wreath. They look good together, and have a pleasing honest appearance.


51105 Army Panzer M43 Cap Insignia $120SOLD

This is a nice unissued textbook example, in excellent condition.

51454 Army EM's Panzer Over Seas Cap Cockades Mint & Perfect From Recent Vet Insignia Load $100 each

These are hard to find when you need them. Both are mint and perfect.

51509 Army EM Italian Made Breast Eagle $75

This is an interesting piece. It is machine embroidered on to Italian green wool, which is very similar to German Wool.

11510 Army NCO School Cuff Title $185

This is a nice looking original issued example. The back ends are still attached from where it was on a tunic.

31154 Army Feldpost Cuff Title  $165SOLD

This is out of the woodwork in Rochester, Michigan. The it shows perfectly without issues.

111366 Early Infantry Shoulder Strap Set $90

These are right out of the woodwork from a vet's souvenir box.  One is just slightly longer than the other, but everything else is identical. I think one is from a tunic and the other from an over coat. They are excellent and will display fine.

61820 Perfect Matched M43 Artillery Shoulder Strap Set From Vet's Souvenir Box $185

These are a great set of matched artillery straps showing only very light age and use. They are right out of the woodwork from the WWII vet's souvenirs here in Michigan. I have 2 identical sets of these available.


61821 Perfect Matched M43 Signals Shoulder Strap Set From Vet's Souvenir Box $185

These are a great set of matched signals straps showing only very light age and use. They are right out of the woodwork from the WWII vet's souvenirs here in Michigan.

31402 Army Tank Destruction Single Pink Piped Dark Green Shoulder $125

This is right out of the woodwork in upstate New York. It's the slip on type with the tongue cut off.  It shows age and use, but looks good and will display fine. 

121442 Army Administrative Officer's Shoulder Strap Set $45

This is a very good set showing only very light age.

112011 German WWII Russian Volunteer Shoulder Mint & Perfect $125

These are mint & perfect without issues. They came out of the surplus hoard in Prague back in the early 1990s. You will love them.

102069 German WWII Russian Volunteer Bevo (1st Pattern) Sleeve Insignia $75 ea

These are right out of the woodwork. The condition is mint and perfect.

51455 Army Cotton 6 Year Gefreiter Sleeve Insignia Mint & Perfect From Recent Vet Insignia Load $45 each

These are right out of the woodwork. The condition is mint and perfect.

31529 Army Tropical Overcoat Wool "G" Spec Sleeve Insignia $35

It's mint and perfect. You will love it.

52177 German WWII Tropical Overcoat PFC Rank Sleeve Insignia $35

It's mint and perfect. You will love it. I have several available.

61447 Army Jager Embroidered Sleeve Insignia $55

This is a really nice example without problems or issues.

50814 Army NCO Medical Shoulder Strap Ciphers $25/set

I bought a large bag of these. All are mint and perfect grey metal, which is correct for NCOs, and all have perfect un-bent prongs.

50815 Army Officers Administrative Shoulder Strap Ciphers $25/set

I bought a large bag of these. All are gold washed brass, with perfect prongs, that have never been bent. They are mint and perfect, and ready for your uniform.

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